Our current staking process is calculated on a maximum risk of 5% of the monthly bank.
The bank was set at £1000 and thus the current maximum risk is £50.
At the end of each month the bank is reviewed and the next months maximum risk set accordingly. For example: If the Bank at the end of October is £1400 then the maximum risk for November would be £70.
If at any stage the Bank falls below its starting figure we remain at the initial fixed liability sum, in our case £50, until the Bank is back in profit.
The bank can be tailored to your own circumstances and if you are new to the process of laying horses we would recommend your minimum risk is £10 – An initial bank of £200.
We place bets at Betfair SP and fix our maximum odds to 6.0. To do this you need to ensure that you Betfair SP ticked at the top of the market page.
When placing the bet we click on the Lay side (pink) SP and the following window is produced.
We now tick the Set SP odds limit to produce the following.
We set the Max odds to 6 and the liability to your own maximum which in this case we have used £10. Hit place bets and that is everything done.
At the off, Betfair sets it’s own SP. If it is 6.0 or below your bet is taken and the profit worked out for you if the bet is successful. If the odds are higher than 6.0 the Bet is not placed by Betfair and is void.
The Bets can all be placed shortly after release negating the need to watch the live markets or the race.​
Unfortunately, the Betfair Mobile App doesn’t accommodate the above instructions.
The setting of odds and liability at BSP is not available.
The recommendation is to leave the placement of the bet until about 30 seconds before the off. If it matches the price criteria some mental arithmetic will get you in the ballpark and then you can adjust accordingly.