A terrible month whereby we suffered an awful loss of £731.
Some of it will be variance and some to bad luck. But, in general, the fault lies at my feet as i have misread or relied upon the stats too much. Sometimes a bit of gut feeling when removing one is needed.
There was a total of 155 selections for the month resulting in the following:
41 Unsuccessful lays.
32 No bets.
82 successful lays.
We should have finished the month off a bit better yesterday if I hadn’t been watching the racing and got swayed by Murphy/Bowen not doing particularly well. Eaton Anne was a late one that duly hacked up and is a lazy type by the look of it.
The maximum risk stake is back down to £50 and we still have £355 of the starting bank left.
Certainly not what I had hoped for and looking to get that back up to a more acceptable level for March.
Hopefully the final 2 days of January indicate a change of fortune and although it’s a very busy start to the month the data supports the selections.
I lay all of the selections myself, so I do feel the pain which is why I’m driven to turn it around.